CEO en-core Leadership


    en-core, a data business company that values the basics of data and the value of data, will lead the era of the 4th industrial revolution with products and services that maximize corporate business strategies. Lee Hwa Sik, CEO of en-core

    Won 'President's commendation' for national informatization in 2015
    Received grand prize 'Data Guru' from the ministry of science, ICT and future planning in 2010

    CEO of en-core
    Technical advisory department in Oracle korea
    SM division in samsung SDS
    Information system department in samsung general chemical
    Information system department in sunkyung industry

    Truly appreciate your generous support and constant affection for en-core. Changes in the business environment is accelerating every day.
    Faster and more appropriate responses are directly linked to the issue of survival beyond the level of corporate competitiveness. The role of information systems to effectively deal with such changes in business environment is more critical today than ever before.

    However, information system of the enterprise has turned into like a complex and huge sprawling city suffering greatly from dealing with the changes due to lack of flexibility and scalability.
    Temporary solutions will only make the system more complex and it will soon hit the limit.

    As the flexibility of the body comes from the frame, as the flexibility of the city depends on the roads, the flexibility of the system depends on the data structure.
    We need to innovate at least the core area to increase the flexibility.
    We should establish effective EA and advance the core data area, then build data management system based on the standardization.
    Enhance data quality and create high quality information which can support real-time decision making then secure global single instance through data integration, unify business strategy and resource scattered all over the world to be able to develop the single vision and policy.

    More and more companies are now starting to realize that the true nature of the system is data.
    Until now, the development logic has dominated, but finally the well-being era of S/W is coming.
    It is the time to focus on data, and the time has come to crow data specialists.

    en-core has been preparing over decades and waiting for the world to acknowledge the importance of data.
    Not only emphasizing the importance, we also have been researching and developing specific approaches and elemental technologies to serve as a data evangelist for a long time through publications, education, and media.
    en-core is committed to sharing all of our knowledge and support growing more data experts.
    As we always did, en-core will make every effort with pioneering mission to create value with high-quality services through consulting, services, education, publication, and information services.

    This is our mission and pride. We promise to make endless efforts to follow the simple truth: You have empty it in order to fill it.

    Thank you.
